PayRoll Management

The Centralized Payroll Management System with Multi Currency


Our software’s are protected against, and also designed to handle unexpected errors.


Our products perform well without any interruption, beyond the acceptable periods.

Technical support

We ensure your system functions seamlessly around the clock with our technical team

Complete solutions

We have IT/ITES solutions to provide consistent growth and enhancement in your business.

How we do it?

The Centralized Payroll Management System with Multi Currency – Country features deals with the financial aspects of employee's salary, allowances, deductions, gross pay, net pay etc. and generation of pay-slips & related reports for a specific period.

Centralized Payroll Management System Master Setup, configuration and implementation will cover the following activities:-

  • Country Based Compliance Statutory Masters
  • Multi Country Based Payroll - Multiple Pay Structure - CTC Structure
  • Integration with Attendance, Leave and Resignation Module
  • Payroll Process - Payslip - Pay Register - Pay Roll Accounting Journal

Payroll Management System Manages Employee Information Efficiently defines the emoluments, various compensation structure, allowance and deductions etc as applicable to the company. Centralized & Individual Company Reports with Group / Function / Role Wise Cost Integrated with Attendance, Leave, Other Internal Systems, Accounting System, Employee Self Services – ESS, Mobile Application etc.

Cost-wise reports function-wise, group-wise, Company-wise reports, YTD Reports, Analytical Reports Integrated with HR Budget – Individual Company-wise & as a Group-wise periodically.

For more about
PayRoll Management



    Undeniable quality products and services


    A track record of 100% customer satisfaction


    We managed from initiation to completion.


    Experienced and expert professional on board